Código: F2250
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The rH-R5 module consists of 5 relays for control of electric circuits powered from a common power source. The communication with the server takes place by radio. The loads can be resistive, inductive or capacitive, both in AC and DC circuits. At the output side, one pin of each relay is connected to a common point.
Symbol in design and configuration software:
The rH-R1S1 module is represented by object that consists of five binary (two-state) inputs and corresponding five binary relay outputs. The inputs control the relays, and the outputs provide information about the states of the respective relays.
  • Switch off the AC line and make sure that there is no voltage.
  • Mount the module on DIN rail (TH 35 mm).
  • Connect the wires according to the diagram above.
  • Switch on the AC line.
  • Register the device in the system.
An example application:
In the diagram above, the four-channel F1104 transmitter determines the state of the four outputs of the 5-channel F2250 relay. The closing of the first contact switches on the the lamp no. 1, of the second - the lamp no. 2 etc. The opening of a contact switches off the corresponding lamp, so in this simple example the user should press the required button as long as needed. In order to switch on and off a lamp alternately, a logical flip-flop trigger (D-type) should be implemented between the modules (the transmitter and relay). Additionally, the tº output can be used to control a heater, air conditioning system etc.
A more advanced scheme for lighting control can be found in the Lighting control project article.
About the system:
Name F&Home Radio rH-R5
Code F2250
Power 230 VAC / 50 Hz
RF communication band [MHz]


DIN rail
Communication mode two-way
Data encryption YES
Open space range 100 m
Number of channels (relays)
max 3 A per channel (total: max 10 A)
Galvanic isolation between AC power and control circuitYES
Operating temperature range
0ºC ... 45ºC
Operating humidity / environment <= 85% (no condensation of
water vapor) / no aggressive gasses
Protection against overheating
Dimensions [mm] 52.5 x 90 x 65
Ingress protection rating IP 20


F&HOME RADIO integrates electrical installations in such a way that the processes of heating, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, alarm and access control form one efficient system - all for the safety and comfort of the residents. With wireless two-way communication between the central unit (server) and both sensors and actuators, software solutions, as well as remote control of the system that can performed by the users in many ways, the system allows them to manage home energy resources in a manner appropriate to their needs.
In practice, this means the ability to integrate electrical appliances in such a way that a hand gesture can create a romantic light scene in the living room and bedroom, pull down the shutters or blinds and adjust the interior temperature, for example. The option of remote control via the Internet ensures that even after our return from a long journey we are welcomed by the house as if we have never left.


Nome Módulo rH-R5
Tipo de Produto Relé
Sistema F&Home Radio
Montagem Calha DIN
Tipo de transmissão Bidirecional
Frequência MHz 868
Aplicações interior
Número de relés 5
Parâmetros de relé corrente máxima A 3 (máximo de 10 no total)
tensão máxima V 250
Fonte de energia tensão VAC 230
Gama m 100
Classificação de proteção IP20
Temperatura de operação °C 0...+45
Humidade 0...85
Dimensões mm 52.5 × 90 x65